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» 意大利研究


作为一名意大利语的学生, 你将发展你参与意大利文化和社区的能力, 您将被邀请在国内外分享沉浸式和丰富的意大利体验, and you will see opening in front of you Italy’s precious humanistic knowledge incased in the cultural 历史 and artistic production of yesterday and today. 鉴于意大利文化在许多学科和艺术领域的丰富性, 意大利研究提供了一个非常多才多艺的研究领域, 在绩效方面补充各种职业道路, 音乐, 历史, 艺术历史, 电影, 业务, 和更多的. 不管你的职业目标是什么, 意大利研究, 这是西方文明进化史的核心, 为你的教育带来文科的品质.

Ayuj Consul ' 22
“作为一名作家、电影制作人, & 对语言、历史、 & 我相信,我与意大利的联系将继续给我带来巨大的智慧 & 未来几年的灵感.”
“对不同文化实践的认识帮助我适应了一家全球性公司 & 提高自己与不同文化互动的能力.”
“The connections I have made while studying in the Italian Track of Global Communication and World Languages have opened up many opportunities for me. 对一种文化和语言有专门的了解, and knowing how to communicate with people from different 文化s have been valuable skills that others have sought after.”
"The 意大利研究 major gave me the opportunity to deepen my own Italian heritage as well as to combine my passion for 电影 with the study of Italian language, 文学, 和文化. I was able to actively participate and experience the Italian lifestyle directly through many rewarding experiences.”
Briana Salatino, 18岁
“Taking the opportunity to really delve into Italian language through my self-designed major had great impact. 我发现这是因为我在异国他乡的经历, 练习一门外语,让自己沉浸在新的思维方式中, 我能够在专业环境中轻松调整.”
“My minor 意大利研究 and several trips to Italy were useful in learning 更多的 about the geographical origins and pronunciations of various wine varietals, as well as giving me the practical know-how to be independent and confident in running my own share of the larger 业务."
"Being involved with the 意大利研究 program at Chapman changed the course of both my college and post-grad career. The education I received from the incredible professors here challenged me and stretched me as well as provided me with a myriad of new opportunities.”
  • 课程
  • 集群和辅修
  • 文学学士
  • Our program offers a full range of instruction from elementary language classes to upper level courses in Italian 文化 and society. 学生 acquire proficiency and fluency in the classroom through immersion in Italian paced to build linguistic competence and foster understanding of the artistic traditions and cultural 历史 of Italy. Upper level courses further develop the students’ critical use of the language as well as knowledge of Italy. 同时向学生介绍文化研究的跨学科研究, the curriculum also aims to nurture connections with the students’ professional goals and personal interests; therefore, students also choose to complete coursework by drawing from the rich disciplinary range of academic opportunities relating to Italian 文化 available at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学.

    You can integrate a focus on Italian alongside your other major/s and minors with an 意大利研究 Multidisciplinary Cluster (12 credits) or with a minor (21 credits), 或者你可以选择把它作为你学习的核心组成部分,参加B级课程.A. in Global Communication and World Languages/Italian (48 credits) or by creating a self-designed B.A. 意大利语研究(27+学分).

  • 意大利研究跨/多学科集群. The cluster is open to all majors and allows students to bring an introductory exploration of the language 和文化 of Italy into their education. 包括四门课程(12学分), 其中ITAL 201可以是其中之一, 从各个领域的广泛产品列表中提取. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 通识教育网页 并审查意大利研究指导指南中的相关部分.

    辅修意大利研究. 辅修课程对所有专业开放,并允许学生达到意大利语的高级熟练程度, 了解意大利现当代文化的关键方面, 并深化特定的学科领域的兴趣. 包括7门课程(21学分), 其中ITAL 201可以是其中之一, 符合澳门威尼斯人app下载大学的语言要求, 并允许与其他通识教育要求和学生的专业共享.

    您可以在任何时候声明未成年人. 具体方法如下:

    • 完成一个 大调/小调形式的变化 (向下滚动并根据您的目录年份选择正确的PDF格式).
    • 如果这是你的第一个辅修课程,你可以直接通过电子邮件发送到注册办公室(aps@350store.com). 如果这是你的第二辅修课程,请把表格寄到 pacchion@350store.com 供项目主管批准.
  • 自我设计的B.A. 意大利研究. Best suited for self-directed students aiming at a high level of language proficiency and advanced cultural studies research, this degree plan capitalizes on the interdisciplinary nature of 意大利研究 by offering students the opportunity to work closely with a faculty mentor in designing a personalized study plan. 从澳门威尼斯人app下载大学提供的广泛的艺术课程中汲取灵感, 历史, 文化, 媒体, 和更多的, the self-designed major allows for the opening up new of directions across existing disciplines and career paths and the discovery and application of the student’s distinct critical and creative perspective and goals. 欲了解更多信息,请访问自行设计专业表格.

    B.A. 全球交流与世界语言(意大利语). This degree is an interdisciplinary program that allows students to combine their interests in Italian with the study of evidence–based communication approaches to create shared meaning and understanding of messages. 学生 become productive global citizens as they learn how to engage in rigorous application of communication theory and research while increasing linguistic and practical skills and broadening their awareness of 文化 to prepare for the global workplace. Graduates are in high demand as they combine core communication skills with high-level proficiency in a world language. 他们将能够从事外交事业, 政府, 医疗保健专业, 新闻, 非政府组织, 具有国际影响力的慈善组织等等. 9学分的顶点序列, 其中包括服务学习课程/实习, 深入研究他们选择的语言, 以及全球职场的高级研讨会, 会给学生提供实践经验吗, 未来的雇主看重什么. 该专业包括传播与意大利研究学院的45个学分. 欲了解更多信息,请 点击这里.



We are a group of committed professors dedicated to assisting individual students in growing both personally and professionally. We will look forward to sharing with you our special and unique connection with Italy and life-long study of its 文化.
