» 与顾问会面

我们的顾问是来自校园各种不同学科的本科生和研究生. You can read more about our director and each consultant below. 
Aurora Matzke摄


B.A. in 英语, Cal Poly SLO; M.A. in 英语 with an emphasis in Composition and Rhetoric, Cal Poly SLO; PhD in Rhetoric and Composition from Miami University
Aurora is an assistant professor and the 写作中心主任 at Chapman. She has previously worked and led several different writing and consulting centers, with an emphasis on linguistic justice and educational equity. Recent publications include work in 写作中心 Journal, Peitho, 写作项目管理. Aurora has over 20 years of experience working with grants, 论文, 论文, 专业写作, 茎写作, 和更多的. 她喜欢从事各种类型的原创研究,在所有Spotify用户中排名前10%.




Amelia is a graduate student at Chapman School of Pharmacy and has a B.S. 在生物学中. 她在临床研究、实验室报告和科学论文写作方面有着丰富的经验. Amelia热衷于为学生创造一个友好和包容的环境,以获得书面支持. Amelia has previously worked as a research assistant and research coordinator. She enjoys working with lab reports and research projects.


凯特琳是一名三年级学生.D. 福勒法学院的候选人,获得了B.S. 在艺术,技术和创新业务. 在法学院之前, Caitlin worked as a brand strategist for various technology companies in Silicon Valley. 过去的两个夏天, 她曾担任洛杉矶县儿童抚养服务部的法律助理. 在她空闲的时候, 她喜欢和她的狗呆在一起, 探索维基百科的深度, 以及评论NetGalley的新书. Caitlin can help with projects in all academic areas and in any stage of development. 她相信任何人都可以学好写作,并且喜欢帮助学生理清他们的想法,完善他们的想法.


卡琳娜是一名攻读硕士学位的研究生.A. in Marriage and 家庭 Therapy at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学. 她在北加州长大,成绩是B.S. 她在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校获得生物学学位,并对自己未来成为一名精神卫生保健提供者感到兴奋. 在本科和研究生期间,Karina做过医疗助理和研究助理. 在她的学术和职业生涯中, she has become proficient at scientific writing including writing lab reports, 介绍医学研究, 制作研究海报. Her love for education is a core part of who she is, and she is excited to share this with other students! 最重要的是, Karina喜欢结识新朋友,并与他们一起工作,以帮助突出他们独特的个人优势. 而她有科学背景, 她也乐于帮助学生们写简历, 求职信, 论文, 和更多的. 在她空闲的时候, Karina loves spending quality time with friends and family, 练习瑜伽, 这种服务, 还有去海滩!


Katherine is a graduate student at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 currently pursuing an Ed.S. 在学校心理学和硕士学位.A. in Educational Psychology with an LPCC emphasis and has a B.A. 心理科学,辅修教育学. Her diverse 专业 background spans various settings including schools, 诊所, 以及社区环境, encompassing roles in research and mental health support. 她在写作和展示研究方面都有经验,并曾撰写过研究论文, 建议, 演讲, 和竞赛. 凯瑟琳对社会科学的研究写作尤其了解,但也可以在其他写作项目上获得帮助. 在她的学术追求之外,凯瑟琳喜欢钩针编织,攀岩和参加音乐会.


Kayla是Rinker校区澳门威尼斯人app下载物理治疗博士项目的研究生,拥有B.S. 神经生物学,生理学, & 行为. She enjoys elevating and stylizing 论文 for graduate school admissions applications, learning about individuals' unique life experiences, and editing other written works such as course 论文, 社论, 还有创意写作. 如果你正在寻找编辑方面的帮助, 头脑风暴的想法, 或者计划/组织项目, 她很乐意帮忙! Kayla has been a former PT aide in Davis, coordinator & medical assistant with the UC Davis student clinic, and an APTA member. She used to be a pre-专业 ballerina and former dancer (hip hop, 爵士乐, 现代, 剧院),她喜欢健身房. Kayla enjoys working with graduate school 个人陈述, 论文, 应用程序规划, 创意写作, 以及研究手稿.


Mariah是一位令人鼓舞的研究生,她在纽约大学获得英语和美国文学学士学位,学习编剧. 她相信在给予建设性反馈的同时,要有开放的心态和同理心. She enjoys watching movies, playing video games, and reading in her spare time.


Peter is a second-year graduate student in the Marriage & 家庭 Therapy Program at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 and has an A.A. 国语和A.A. 文科 & 老师的研究. His 专业 experiences include working as a behavioral specialist, 塔可钟的电子商务生产, 作为军队里的语言学家. He has experience creating writing products in the areas of psychology, language & cultural studies, history, current events, and education. 他现在是研究生写作中心的顾问,专注于社会科学. 在他空闲的时候, 彼得喜欢唱歌(很不喜欢)和演奏音乐, 玩棋盘游戏, 做运动, 尤其是篮球!


Samantha is a graduate student in Creative Writing with a B.A. 我主修编剧,辅修摄影. With experience as a story analyst in film and television, 她曾在工作室和制作公司工作,从阅读一般提交到为正在开发的项目提供咨询. She likes helping students brainstorm and organize their thoughts, compose papers & 项目,并朝着他们的学术进步 & 职业目标. She can help with various projects in all academic areas, 包括但不限于简历, 创意写作, 电影剧本创作, 诗歌, 英语, 一般论文 & 论文和毕业生脉搏检查.


Tanshi是澳门威尼斯人app下载大学婚姻与家庭治疗硕士项目的研究生,之前曾担任研究助理和顾问,并拥有B.A. 我主修心理学,辅修经济学. 她有写研究论文的经验, presenting research at regional and student conferences, and conducting both human subjects and qualitative research studies. 她喜欢帮助学生做好准备, 有能力, and excited to pursue their academic and 职业目标. Tanshi曾担任西班牙语和经济学顾问以及研究助理. She enjoys working with graduate school applications, 求职信, 以及社会科学方面的研究论文, 而且她对甜食贪得无厌!




Avery is double-majoring in Business Administration and Psychology. 从创意写作到研究论文,在许多领域都有激情和经验, 她对细节有敏锐的眼光,很高兴能帮助澳门威尼斯人app下载的学生满足他们的个人需求, 专业, 学术写作目标. Avery is happy to help with editing and brainstorming 论文, 研究报告, 以及与工作相关的文章! 她曾在时事通讯实习,喜欢从事创意写作工作, 求职信, 简历, 个人陈述, 研究论文及项目, 以及工作或学校申请. 艾弗里目前是澳门威尼斯人app下载大学的学生运动员,她永远无法抗拒美味的甜食!


Francisco is an undergraduate screenwriter at the Dodge College of Film and Media 艺术. Being a first-generation student coming from a non-artistic background, 他必须追求自己的兴趣,发现对写作和创意的热爱,这使他进入了国内顶尖的电影学院之一. 在写作中心, 他迫不及待地想帮助其他学生重新激发他们的想法,并提醒他们他们已经走了多远. He is fluent in Spanish and enjoys working with 创意写作, 诗歌, 电影写作, 求职信和个人陈述. Francisco has a great admiration for the arts, live performances, and loud music.


Jacob is studying Software Engineering and is from Memphis, TN. 他为高中的报纸写文章,并认为他想写历史小说,直到他在大一上了一门编程课. Even though he spends most of his time programming nowadays, he still feels the need to scratch the itch to write. 他喜欢在空闲时间阅读文学和历史小说,并且很高兴能够帮助他的同学提高他们在任何课程或科目上表达自己的能力. Jacob has worked as a 数学 and computer science consultant for the University. He particularly enjoys working with 创意写作 and communication studies, 他最喜欢的书是詹姆斯·克拉维尔的《威尼斯人app》.


奥利维亚是澳门威尼斯人app下载大学应用人体生理学专业和英国文学专业的学生. 她在圣安东尼奥地区医院急救中心担任医学抄写员后具有临床经验. 她还参与了许多修辞项目,包括对MeToo运动的分析,目前正在分析“亲女性”, 堕胎话语中的反堕胎框架. 她对女性健康很感兴趣,并希望继续在生命科学和修辞学方面学习这一主题. 奥利维亚喜欢英语口语,14岁时曾在TEDx青年会议上做过威尼斯人app身体自信的演讲,也喜欢口语诗歌. 她精通日语,曾在圣安东尼奥地区医院担任医学文员. She enjoys working on topics within rhetoric and composition, 特别是威尼斯人app医疗保健的论述, with a recent emphasis on studying language ideology. 奥利维亚喜欢巧克力,但讨厌甜菜.


Savana is a major in Screenwriting and Psychology and a minor in Italian Studies. 她担任澳门威尼斯人app下载黑人学生会执行委员会的执行内部关系官, 澳门威尼斯人app下载砂浆董事会成员主席, 也是Pi Beta Kappa荣誉协会的成员. 萨瓦纳也是澳门威尼斯人app下载暮光乐队的成员! 在她空闲的时候, 你可以看到她在读书, 跳舞, 享受与爱人在一起的时光, 写小说, 或者烘焙甜点! 她热衷于帮助学生提高写作能力,充分发挥他们的潜力. She enjoys working with 创意写作, screenplays, scripts, and 英语 papers. Savana is a huge Yogurtland enthusiast and works hard to keep their doors open!


维在澳门威尼斯人app下载学习工商管理,辅修法律和文科,希望将来能进入法学院学习. She has previously worked in various consulting centers for grade school through college, 英语辅助, 数学, 与科学. 在她空闲的时候, she enjoys reading classical literature and philosophy books or playing video games, and she is excited to help students excel in their writing and meet their goals. 她的越南语说得很流利. 我特别喜欢创意写作、议论文和商务写作. Her favorite author is Donna Tartt, and she can play five instruments.