» Luigi Maierù’s International School in the History of Mathematics

With the support of 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, the Chapman MPP研究生课程, the Donald Bren Presidential Chair in Mathematics, and the Kennedy Chair of 哲学 at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, Luigi Maierù’s International School in the History of Mathematics will take place in Cetraro (Cosenza, 意大利).

The date and topic of the first edition are as follows:


Why does the history of mathematics matter?"

Keynote Teachers include:

  • Nathan Sidoli (Waseda University Tokyo)
  • 迈克尔·N. Fried (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)

The organizing committee includes:

  • Carlos Alvares (UNAM, Mexico)
  • Emilia Florio (Università della Calabria, 意大利)
  • Jemma Lorenat (Pitzer College, USA)
  • Marco Panza (澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, USA and IHPST, Paris)
  • Eleonora Sammarchi (ETH-Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Daniele Struppa (澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, USA)


Call for applications:

We invite applications from graduate students, 老师, and junior research postdocs in the history of mathematics as well as mathematicians seeking to engage more critically with historical subjects and methodology to attend "Luigi Maierù’s international school in the history of mathematics" to be held in the wonderful location of Cetraro (Cosenza, 南意大利), 5月24日至26日, 2024.

The aim of this School in the history of mathematics is to gather early career historians of mathematics and scholars from different backgrounds who are approaching the discipline for the first time in a space to explore both content and tools for research and teaching.

This first edition will focus on the mathematics developed by Pappus in his Book VII. 通过讲座, 阅读, 和讨论, Pappus’ work will serve as the starting point for the development of broader temporal and geographical considerations in the history of mathematics (about Ancient mathematics, the connections with the Arabic sources, 史学, 等.).

Each day will be organized around formal lectures, structured classroom time, and informal conversations. Participants will receive reading materials for analysis in advance. Lectures will be held in English.

The International School will take place in Cetraro, Grand Hotel San Michele.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and a CV before March 31, 2024 to Lisa Beesley (Chapman Univ.): beesley@350store.com

我们会支付旅行费用, meals and accommodation expenses for a selected group of candidates, who will be informed by April 15, 最迟2024年. If you are able to fund your own expenses, please let us know in your application.