Dr. 杰西卡Sternfeld

Dr. 杰西卡Sternfeld

Professor, Chair, Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
表演艺术学院; Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music
专业知识: Musicology; Musical Theatre; American Popular Music;
办公地点: Oliphant Hall 111
电话: (714) 289-3561
University Honors Program, First-year Foundations Program
Wesleyan University, Bachelor of 艺术



Dr. 杰西卡Sternfeld, 音乐学者, joined the faculty of 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 in 2009, and is now Associate Professor of Music.  她与学生的合作, 是否主修音乐, 研究生, 或非专业学生, focuses on grounding each musical piece in its context, exploring not only the music but its meaning, 观众, 以及文化意义.  Her courses include the Baroque, 经典, 浪漫的, and Modern eras of Western art music; musical 剧院 on stage, 电影, and TV; opera; American popular song; and political and social movements in music.  Besides teaching music history and culture, Dr. Sternfeld also serves as the Director of Student Affairs in the Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music; in that capacity, she advises all music majors and minors on courses and career paths.  She especially enjoys teaching music history and culture courses to music majors, and working with first-year students to learn about critical inquiry via musical 剧院 in her FFC.

Dr. Sternfeld is very active in Chapman’s efforts to increase and improve diversity and inclusion on campus, serving on the university-wide Diversity Response Committee among other committees.  She is a proud “Safe Space”-trained faculty member and works to improve the atmosphere of safety and inclusion for all Chapman community members.

Originally from the east coast, Dr. 斯特恩菲尔德得了B.A. with Honors in Music from Wesleyan University, and an M.A. 和Ph值.D. in musicology from Princeton University in 2002.

她的第一本书, 《澳门威尼斯人app下载》(2006, 印第安纳大学出版社), is the first to explore the phenomenon of the blockbuster musicals of the last forty years.  It discusses both the internal workings and the cultural impact of these “megamusicals.”  She has published numerous scholarly articles and chapters on musical 剧院, 包括威尼斯人app复兴的一章, 电影, and television productions for the Cambridge Companion to the Musical (2008/2017, ed. Laird and Everett) and a chapter on disability in 歌剧魅影 为了破土动工 Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies (2015, ed. Straus et al).  威尼斯人app电视连续剧的一章 《澳门威尼斯人app下载》 出现在 Gestures of Music Theatre:  The Performativity of Song and Dance (牛津出版社,2013年版. 西蒙兹和泰勒).  Other articles have appeared in journals such as 音乐剧研究, for which she has also served as guest editor.  She has given talks at numerous national and international conferences, including Song Stage & 屏幕, 美国音乐协会, the American Musicological Society, the International Association for the Study of Popular Music, 和学院音乐协会.

2021年,博士. Sternfeld became the co-editor (with Dr. Elizabeth Wollman, Baruch College, CUNY) of 音乐剧研究, the leading journal in the field. 博士. 沃尔曼,她也参与编辑 The Routledge Companion to the Contemporary Musical, 2019年上映. This collection is the first to focus on recent musicals, through lenses including musicology, 剧院, 跳舞, 文化研究, 媒体研究, 性别, 比赛, 和更多的. Her current work focuses on the intersection between trauma and musical 剧院, 即将出版的出版物.  


Recent Creative, Scholarly Work and Publications

杰西卡Sternfeld and Elizabeth Wollman, eds. The Routledge Companion to the Contemporary Musical. 劳特利奇:2019.
”卡梅隆麦金托什,” a chapter for the book _The Palgrave Handbook to Musical Theater Producers_, ed. William Everett and Laura MacDonald, Palgrave Press, 2017
“'Pitiful Creature of Darkness’: The Subhuman and the Superhuman in 歌剧魅影,” a chapter in the _Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies_, ed. Blake Howe, Stephanie Jensen-Moulton, Neil Lerner, and Joseph Straus, 牛津大学出版社, 2015.
与斯科特·斯通合著, then Chapman Performing 艺术 Librarian, "Music Librarian and 教师 Collaboration: How an Historiography Assignment Improved a Music History Class," in _Music Reference Services Quarterly (Vol. 17 no. 1, 2014)
"Everything's Coming Up Kurt: The Broadway Song in 《澳门威尼斯人app下载》," a chapter for _Gestures of Music Theatre: The Performativity of Song and Dance_, edited by Dominic Symonds and Millie Taylor, 牛津大学出版社, 2013.