Dr. 费德里科•Pacchioni

Dr. 费德里科•Pacchioni

Professor, The Sebastian Paul and Marybelle Musco Chair in Italian
Founding Director, 费鲁奇意大利经验与研究所
Founding Director, 费鲁奇意大利经验与研究所
威尔金森艺术、人文和社会科学学院; Department of World Languages and Cultures
专业知识: Italian Studies; Italian Art Cinema; Puppetry Across Media; Aesthetics in Foreign Language Learning; Cross-Cultural Experiential Education; Poetic Quest of Place;
办公地点: 德米尔大厅120N
办公时间: 星期一9点至11点,可预约


艾米利亚-罗马涅人, 意大利, 费德里科•Pacchioni graduated from the "Istituto Magistrale Immacolata" in Cesena in 1998 and completed his undergraduate studies at La Sapienza in Rome and Prescott College, 亚利桑那州, pursuing a unique academic path focused on the development of a humanistic, 跨文化, 体验式教学法. Dr. Pacchioni’s early interests in education went hand-in-hand with his studies in literature and film, 最终获得了博士学位.D. in Italian Studies from Indiana University Bloomington in 2010. After holding posts at the University of 连接icut-Storrs and the Italian Immersion School of Middlebury College in Vermont, 他赢了, in 2012, the Sebastian Paul and Marybelle Musco Endowed Chair in Italian Studies at 澳门威尼斯人app下载大学 in Orange, 加州.

在澳门威尼斯人app下载大学, 他教授意大利研究的跨学科课程, 道奇电影与媒体艺术学院, 以及大学荣誉课程, 包括几条穿越意大利半岛的旅行路线. 2012年至2023年, 他负责意大利研究项目, expanding curricular offerings and programming and facilitating the establishment of new endowments dedicated to the study of Italian language and culture. 这些发展导致了 费鲁奇意大利经验与研究所, of which he became the Founding Director in 2023, the same year he was made Full Professor.

He is the author of 60+ publications, including scores of peer-reviewed articles and eight books. Reviewers have praised his scholarship for its originality of approach and capacity to unveil new cultural and artistic patterns and connections. 在他的学术著作中, 鼓舞人心的费里尼:幕后的文学合作 (多伦多大学出版社, 2014) provided the first systematic analysis of Fellini’s cinema as the product of a participatory creative process examining the director’s relationships with influential writers like Tullio Pinelli, 尼奥•Flaiano, 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼, 托尼诺Guerra, 和Dino Buzzati. 与 The Image of the Puppet in Italian Theater, Literature and Film (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022), he revealed the deeper cultural associations and transmedia aesthetic potentials of 意大利’s puppetry traditions intersecting a variety of artistic fields and new archival findings. He is also the co-author of the mainstay textbook of Italian film studies in the Anglo-American world, 意大利电影史 (2nd edition), first conceived by his mentor, the late Peter Bondanella.

Dr. Pacchioni’s scholarly work is rooted in the creative process itself, 尤其是诗歌练习, and his creative writings have been published by journals and presses in 意大利 and North America. 其中包括诗集 爱之宝 (Raffaelli Editore, 2014) 我爱我的小恐龙 (Manni Editore, 2022),以及一部抒情的旅行散文 意大利西南部:旅行回忆录的小节 (格尔尼卡世界版,2022年).


  • ITAL 301: Italian Conversation and Composition: Regional Culture and Tradition.
  • ital341a:意大利电影:伟大的电影导演.
  • 高等意大利语语法和文体学.
  • ITAL 345: Italian Conversation and Composition: Introduction to Contemporary Society.
  • ITAL 353: Short Narrative in Italian Culture: Oral Tradition, Literature and Cinema.
  • ITAL 354:意大利之歌:昨天和今天的声音.
  • ITAL 375:意大利文学杰作.
  • ital101 /102/201/301:西西里岛之旅:沉浸在陶尔米纳.
  • ITAL 101/102/201/301:萨伦托之旅:沉浸在莱切.
  • ITAL 341/FS443f/FS543: Italian Cinema: Politics, Art and Industry.
  • ITAL 387/FS444m/FS544:意大利美国影院.
  • HON 314:讲述来世:但丁的精神之旅.
  • HON 315:意大利文艺复兴时期的权力和想象力.
  • HON 371: Tales of a Creative Mind: Fellini, the Dream-Director.
  • HON 373:跨媒体的木偶隐喻.
  • HON 455:解读过去:罗马的经验.
  • HON 448:思想之美:佛罗伦萨之旅.
  • FSN 309/509:食物、饮食与文化(与Dr .. 阿普拉卡什).
  • FTV 361/561I: The Structure of International Film Festivals: Il Cinema Ritrovato (with Dr. 艾米丽运货马车的车夫).


《威尼斯人app》, 费德里科•Pacchioni, Giame Alonge和Goffredo Fofi.弗兰克·伯克采访. 意大利电影与媒体研究杂志11.1 (2023): 77-97.
The Image of the Puppet in Italian Theater, Literature, and Film. 伦敦:Palgrave Mcmillan 2022.
我爱我的小恐龙. Lecce: Manni Editori, 2022.
The Extraordinary Life of Foreign Language Learners: Harnessing the Rewards of the Multilingual Experience. 与Gian Marco Farese合著. 语言文学系列. 罗马:Carocci Editore, 2022.
意大利西南部. 旅行回忆录的诗节. 世界图书系列. 蒙特利尔:格尔尼卡出版社,2022年.
L’immagine del burattino: percorsi fra teatro, letteratura e cinema. 意大利佩萨罗:Metauro Editore, 2020.
“聚焦电影:拉斯特拉达”. The Total Art: Italian Cinema from Silent Screen to Digital Image Ed. 约瑟夫Luzzi. 纽约市:布卢姆斯伯里学院. 2020. 323-328.
费里尼与神秘主义:一种模棱两可的依附. 威利·布莱克威尔费德里科·费里尼的同伴. Eds. 弗兰克·伯克和玛格丽特·沃勒. 霍博肯,新泽西州:Wiley-Blackwell, 2020. 95-108.
“Illuminating Italian Studies: The Secrets of Peter Bondanella’s Success.《澳门威尼斯人app下载》中. 电影第三十八期.2 (2018): 267-269.
意大利电影史(第二版). 与Peter Bondanella合著. 纽约/伦敦:布鲁姆斯伯里学术出版社,2017.
“我要移民:我的剧院允许计划”. 意大利Canadiana. 卷. 31 (2017): 155-164.
“Lo schermo e il burattino: intermedialità e rimediazione tra teatro di figura e cinema muto”. 加州意大利研究杂志. 卷. 7.1 (2017)
“Novecento tra poesia e politica: Bertolucci e il teatro popolare dei burattini.“Rivista Luci e Ombre”. 电影文化信息学的三位一体. 4.1(2016年4月至6月). 在线杂志.
“意大利 at Your Fingertips: Integrating the Puppet Theater in the Italian Classroom”. 艺术: Creative Thinking about FL Curricula and Language Program Direction. Eds. Colleen Ryan和Lisa Parkes. Issues in American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators. 波士顿:Cengage, 2015.
"Trent’anni di critica pasoliniana in Nord America (1982-2014)" 皮尔·保罗·帕索里尼:未来的美国人. Eds. F. 帕奇奥尼和F. Orsitto. 佩萨罗,意大利:Metauro, 2015. 15-45.
皮尔·保罗·帕索里尼:未来的美国人. 与Fulvio Orsitto合编. Pesaro: Metauro edizioni, 2015.
“‘È la vita anche la morte’ Il Purgatorio astrale del Mastorna” Fellini and Dante. L ' aldilo della visione. 热那亚:Sagep Editori, 2016. [会议记录]费里尼和但丁. L ' aldilo della visione,” Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna, May 29-30, 2015.]
“Pasolini a passo di danza: cortocircuiti est(etici) intorno alla figura di Fellini”. Rivista Luci e Ombre. 电影文化信息学的三位一体. 3. 三、(2015年4月- 6月). 在线杂志.
“La contaminazione tra teatro di figura e cinema in Cosa sono le nuvole?”. Intersezioni: musica, arte, letteratura e cinema nell’Italia contemporanea. Eds. 西蒙娜·赖特和富尔维奥·奥西托. 罗马:Vecchiarelli, 2014. 233-244.
爱之宝. Rimini: Raffaelli Editore, 2014
鼓舞人心的费里尼:幕后的文学合作. 多伦多意大利研究系列. 多伦多:多伦多大学出版社. 2014.
"Poetry in Motion (Picture): 费德里科•Pacchioni Reviews The 'Vigor and Originality' of Federico Fellini’s Films" Interview by Helena Bachman, 简简单单的查理(2014). 网络.
“Le nuove avanguardie. 当代美国诗歌世界全景.秘密1 (2013):15-17
“朱塞佩·托纳托雷在维吉奥的魅力,我将永远爱你。.该片将于下周一上映. Ed. 安东尼奥C. Vitti. Pesaro: Metauro Edizioni, 2012. 205-215.
“伏尔加里特斯grazia: il cinema di figura di Lina wertm ller”.” L'ANELLO che non tiene: Journal of Modern Italian Literature. 24.12(2012春秋季):147-160.
卡洛·科洛迪《木偶奇遇记. 双语版(Caserta: Spring Edition, 2007). 在拉内罗,我没有时间. 现代意大利文学杂志23.1-2 (2011): 166-169.
弗朗西斯卡·图里尼·布法利尼,自传体诗歌. 双语版(纽约:Bordighera出版社,2009). 在意大利88.2 (2011): 301-302.